Lump to Laughter, Inc

The Beauty of Hope

The Beauty of Hope
Occurs only in Wilmington, NC
A day of VIP treatment, spa pampering, dress up and
photo session for those in active treatment or survivors of breast or ovarian cancer.
The purpose of this program is to reconstruct the spirits of those who are in active treatment for breast cancer in order to foster hope. In addition, distribution of the photos and participant stories share hope and encourage to others diagnosed with breast cancer.
Hair Style, Mini Facial, Mani, Pedi and Makeup
by Head to Toe Day Spa
Transportation by VIP LIMO of Wilmington
Dress up by Camille's
Photo Session by Chris Brehmer Photography
All photos remain the property of Lump to Laughter and will be utilized for their annual Beauty of Hope Gala reveal, and compiled into a calendar and photo book to provide Hope to others in treatment for breast cancer. We do ask that each Beauty provide a short description of themselves & uplifting story about their
journey or what the day of pampering meant to them.
These stories will be displayed with the photos.
Be inspiring! Be encouraging and courageous!
Be a blessing to others through your uplifting words.
Share your Story
Please see below for required forms
to be completed prior to participation.
A copy of your pathology report or letter from your doctor is also required in order to confirm your diagnosis